
26 December 2011

100 Bucks | Production Design

In film and television, a production designer is the person responsible for the overall look of a filmed event such as films, TV programs, music videos or adverts. Production designers have one of the key creative roles in the creation of motion pictures and television. Working directly with the director and producer, they must select the settings and style to visually tell the story. The term "production designer" was coined by William Cameron Menzies while he was working on the film Gone with the Wind. Previously (and often subsequently) the people with the same responsibilities were called "art directors." From

What a description for a production designer and what a new area of creativeness I had to explore. Thanks to my team, Tanya Stroh the 'Props Master' and Karl Pharao our 'Set Decorator' more our smiling ever so happy in all situation to assist, we got the mission completed! The trio creators missioned from one location to the next to recreate the homes of each character. It was a great learning experience for us all. To be prepared and ready at all times for any request from the Director Oshosheni and the Director of Photography Raphael. The shouting of 'Art Department' was always to be heard on set! From high levels of energy to silence we had to keep our eyes and ears open at all times and always be sure to be on point when it came to the props! Doing this for the first I must say as much as I personally was in the background I did enjoy the creative process and what a reward for us when we see it on film! Now that's a wrap until we roll out the Red Carpet for the 'One Million Dollar' Movie of the year! Enjoy the behind the scene pictures of '100 Bucks'!

1 comment:

  1. thank you all 100 bucks production design team. this is a special film, a special team and a special moment.
