
14 August 2011

July Highlight - Luke & Layla | Avis

Luke and Layla arrived into our home in July and what joy these two puppies have given Dad and me. Extremely naughty but o so adorable. Luke is a real cuddlier and his way of playing is to try and attack your ankles with a soft growl, not my way of playing at all! Layla (Arabic name for dark haired lady) is a real lady but very naughty in taking goodies from your room and hiding them! We got them both at the SPCA in Windhoek. They make coming home such a joy! Here are a few pictures of them hanging out at the Avis Dam.


  1. Weeeeeeeee :) these are so awesome! LOL Remember the time that we took your dogs walking and... was it Pumba - who ran off, only to be found at back at the car!

  2. Thanks Miss T, it was Sven the eager beaver losing us but smart to go back to the car, never under estimate a dogs sense of smell! I miss them! Sven and Pumba!
